February 2018 – Member Meeting – Family Safety Center
Civil, criminal, health, and social services are provided to victims of domestic abuse all in one location, making support and aid to victims more accessible. The alumni association collected items needed for the center’s summer camp for kids affected by domestic violence. We also continue to collect at our member meetings, toiletries and other supplies needed for emergency housing.
April 2018 – Member Meeting – Secret Service
Duties and the history of the Secret Service were covered by our speaker. The highlights of the evening however were seeing actual counterfeit money and learning what it is like to guard the Presidents on domestic and foreign soil.
August 2018 – Member Meeting – Parole Board
Members learned about how the state parole board works to make decisions on continuing or ending a prisoner's time serving in prison from a member of the Tennessee Parole Board.
September 2018 – October 2018- FBI Citizens Academy
The Alumni Association organized and served weekly dinners and range day snacks for the attendees of the Memphis FBI Citizens Academy classes. We also provided plaques to the graduates of the Academy at their graduation ceremony.
October 2018 - Youth Advisory Forum Donation
$600 was donated to The Links, Inc. for their youth advisory forum which presented topics on The Kemba Smith Story and Human Trafficking.
October 2018 - Delano Elementary School Health Fair
This was our fifth year participating in this event. Members handed out informational brochures to parents and children about bullying, drugs, and keeping kids safe after the PTA meeting that night. Delano said our presence and informational kits are very popular with the parents and they are always very grateful for our participation.
November 2018 – Holiday Food Basket Donation
$250 was donated to Serving in Christ, a local church, to purchase food for holiday baskets that were distributed to 250 low income families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Families were nominated by the administrators and counselors of local schools.