January 2017 – Soup Sunday Fundraiser for Youth Villages
Association members helped to serve food and to clean up at this fundraiser for an organization whose programs help troubled children and their families.
February 2017 – Board Meeting with New SAC
Our board met with the Memphis SAC and COS to come up with goals for 2017 to familiarize our community with the FBI capabilities and efforts to fight crime and to help newly released criminals return to the community as more productive citizens.
March 2017 – Member Meeting - Operation: Safe Community Organization
The VP of Community Engagement shared with us their five-year plan that focuses on reducing violent crime in the Memphis and Shelby County area. Their plans were developed with input from hundreds of citizens.
April 2017 – Trip to FBI Headquarters and the Training Academy at Quantico
Members and their families or friends toured the FBI Headquarters, the Training Academy at Quantico, and the FBI museum located at headquarters.
August 2017 – $500 Donation
The Memphis Chapter joined other FBICAAA Chapters nationwide wishing to lend support to the victims of Hurricane Harvey through the Hurricane Relief Fund set up by the Salvation Army by donating $500 to the fund.
September 2017- Member Meeting – Brief History of The Taliban and ISIS
A bomb appraisal officer from the Department of Homeland Security gave a very informative presentation on how the Taliban and ISIS terrorist groups got started and why they dislike the United States. He also enlightened us as to the likelihood of terrorist threats in the US.
September 2017 - Chapter in Good Standing
The Memphis Chapter received a Chapter in Good Standing recognition at the 2017 CAAA National Leadership Conference by satisfactorily meeting the federal, state, and FBI requirements for a 501(C)(3) non-profit chapter.
September 2017 – October 2017- FBI Citizens Academy
The Alumni Association organized and served weekly dinners and a range day lunch for the attendees of the Memphis FBI Citizens Academy classes. We also provided plaques to the graduates of the Academy at their graduation ceremony.
October 2017 - Delano Elementary School Health Fair
This was our fourth year participating in this event. Members handed out informational brochures to parents and children about bullying, drugs, and keeping kids safe after the PTA meeting that night. Delano said our presence and informational kits are very popular with the parents and they are always very grateful for our participation.
November 2017 - Habitat for Humanity Heroes Build
Some of our members joined Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis on Friday, November 10 to help say thank you to members of the local first responder and military communities. Our members joined local military and first responders to work on sod and landscaping to help complete the 16 houses that have been built since 2015.
November 2017- Member Meeting –Memphis Police Real Time Crime Center Tour
Alumni Association members toured and were briefed on how the Real Time Crime Center cameras are used in keeping an “eye” on what is going on in real time on Memphis streets. Focused on actual streets throughout the city, cameras are also used, when necessary, to monitor crimes as they occur. We were also given a lesson in the regulations for keeping and using the recordings for court cases and crime investigations.
November 2017 – Thanksgiving Food Basket Assembly at Serving In Christ Outreach
Members helped assemble and distribute 300 food baskets for needy families in Memphis.